Teen girl with ice cream cone

a teen's guide to money management

Unlock your financial potential early by learning the ins and outs of finance.

Top financial advice for teens

There are great financial moves you can make now, as a teen, that will have a tremendous impact on your financial well-being for years to come.

Teens hiking

First Job? Jump-start Your Savings

Landing your first job is a great feeling! Here’s how to get the most out of your first paychecks.

Teen working at floral shop

Financial tips to prep for college

As you’re taking steps to prepare for college and making lists of everything you need to do to get ready, don’t forget to add a few money-saving checkboxes to your list.

College student sitting on stairs

Buying your first car

Buying your first car is both exciting and a bit overwhelming. It’s a big decision that will impact your finances for the next several years.

Girl standing by car
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