There are several ways to improve your credit score. However, it’s much more important to focus on improving what’s in your credit report rather than your credit score. Here are some quick tips to help:
- Pay Your Bills on Time, Every Month. Payment history is the largest factor in your credit score.
- Apply for Credit Only When You Need It. Try not to open too many accounts too frequently. These frequent inquiries can ding your credit.
- Keep Your Outstanding Balances Low. Keep balances below 30 percent of the credit limit on each of your revolving accounts.
- Reduce Your Total Debt. It is not necessarily bad to have debt as long as it’s manageable. Too much debt at high interest rates can get out of hand if a financial emergency comes up. Consider paying down some of your outstanding loans.
- Build Up Credit History. Maintaining a timely payment history for a mix of accounts (e.g., credit cards, auto, mortgage) over a long period can improve your score.